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Bronze 配套

LYNX 最基本的自行车项目配套方案给

EtherLynx Vision 摄像机一秒内可摄 达 2000 张图像,且附加的通过镜头 (through-the-lens) 阅览器和 Nikon 兼容的变焦镜头可更快速准确地对准终点线。因 LYNX 产品的模块设计, 此入门系统将可轻易地提升为产生彩色图像-而无失最初的投资成本。

This image on the right shows a margin of victory of only hundreths of a second. It would be nearly impossible to determine the winner on a video system, but with FinishLynx the results are clear. Furthermore, when compared to a transponder or “chip” system the Lynx Bronze Package generates accurate and verifiable results without having to attach a chip to the bike before the race – or worry about collecting it afterwards!

有关其他信息, 详见下文


注意: 所有封装均定制的,每一个组件都可以单独购买