田赛 - Competition Elite 配套 |
(Chinese translation coming soon) The Competition Elite package adds two key components to the Competition Package; scoreboards and an IAAF compliant wind gauge. What is more, thanks to the addition of the SeriaLynx wireless data transfer units, the scoreboards and wind gauge can be driven wirelessly by the Pocket PC handheld units from anywhere on the infield.
With the addition of the scoreboard plug-in, the FieldLynx software will drive the included high-visibility LED displays, so that spectators and athletes can track the progress of an event. For too long, athletes in field events have competed in isolation. When results are entered on an official's clipboard only those who can see that clipboard know who's winning, or an individual's performances. In line with current IAAF regulations, any marks in the horizontal jumping events (long jump and triple jump) must be accompanied by wind readings. The FieldLynx operator can instantly download wind information directly to each competitors attempt record simply by tapping on an icon in the software. 有关其他信息, 详见下文 |
注意: 所有封装均定制的,每一个组件都可以单独购买 |