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Пакет «Чемпионат»

(Russian translation coming soon) The Championship Package is an IAAF approved photo finish system that includes an IdentiLynx integrated full-frame video system as recommended by the IAAF. It will enable you to produce accurate results quickly, and with confidence in your ability to accurately identify all the athletes.

This all-inclusive system builds on the components of the Competition Elite Package. As well as including the IdentiLynx camera, this package also includes a scrolling Scoreboard/Display, an IAAF approved wind gauge, and an IAAF compliant RadioLynx wireless start detection system - all controlled from the FinishLynx software.

I.A.A.F. Rule 163:11 : Ultrasonic wind gauges shall be used at all International Competitions under 1.1 (a) to (f).

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