(Translation coming soon) The Lynx Grand Prix package gives an Athletics competition the security of full redundancy. Two cameras, linked to two separate start detection systems, underpin the package and provide the combination of accuracy and security demanded by high-level competitions.
This packaged solution builds on the components of the Championship Elite Package: IAAF compliant wireless start system and wind gauge, through-the-lens viewer, remote control lens functions, remote control camera adjustment, alphanumeric scoreboard. To this extensive list of Lynx technology is added an AirLynx wireless network and an EtherLynx Vision PRO camera as the primary photofinish camera.
The EtherLynx Vision PRO included with the Grand Prix solution is fast and powerful – up to 3000 images a second. The combination of high quality images and the ability to operate wired or wirelessly is an introduction to the state-of-the-art for photo finish technology.
I.A.A.F. Track and Field Facilities Manual - Section 5.2.1 (2003 Edition): [I]t is essential to ensure that the resolution [of the Timing Camera] meets the requirements (approximately 1,000 pixels in height). The minimum number of columns for the smallest measured unit should be 10 as otherwise the accuracy of the last decimal cannot be guaranteed (if times are measured to the nearest hundredth of a second the resolution should be 1000pixels…)
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