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Pacchetto Completo Per Allenamento: Tutto Cio’ Di Cui Hai Bisogno

Usa la stessa tecnologia per l’allenamento. il sensore di rilevamento della falsa partenza può essere montato sul blocco di partenza e può essere collegato a fotocellule e a computer per realizzare un sistema molto potente di allenamento.

  • Accurate to 1/1000th of a second
  • Clips to virtually any starting block
  • Downloadable reaction traces for detailed start analysis
  • Battery operated and rechargeable
  • Cannot be “tricked” like many other systems
  • Training system starter commands can be personally recorded
  • Rugged, weather resistant construction designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use
  • Can be operated with an external starter giving the commands and the firing gun, or, with speaker option, can be pre-programmed to give the commands “On your marks”, “set” and a gun sound with programmable randomized timing
  • Multiple systems can be linked for competitive training - and can connect to photoeyes or a FinishLynx systems
  • Data from your entire workout, including power waveforms, can be stored in the unit and retrieved later on your own PC using the Personal ReacTime software
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Nota: tutti i pacchetti sono personalizzabili per esigenze specifiche, ed i componenti sono disponibili singolarmente